Full-service Real Estate
Digital Marketing Agency

We Help Real Estate Professionals Including Agents, Brokers And Real Estate Investors Scale Their Business Through Paid Traffic And Sales Funnels.
Why Real Estate Digital Marketing:
Real estate professionals used to rely heavily on networking and personal connections to get leads, often having to resort to antiquated methods like door-knocking and cold calling. It was for this reason that most newcomers struggled to generate sales as it would take a great deal of time and effort to develop a referral network.

However, digital marketing has made real estate a level-playing field. You can easily start driving leads from day one with a carefully crafted digital marketing strategy regardless of your Real Estate industry experience and network. Digital marketing has become a great tool to put lead generation on autopilot without you having to knock on doors or waste money and time on cold calling.

What it basically means is that lead generation in real estate or any other industry for the matter is possible with inbound marketing campaigns through the proper use of digital platforms.

Though real estate digital marketing can be a great lead generation tool, executing it effectively is a completely different story. A comprehensive approach is vital if you want to succeed with digital marketing today. We will launch an all-encompassing real estate digital marketing campaign to help you take advantage of all aspects of online marketing. As you don’t need to hire several professionals or agencies, you can focus on what you are best at, while leaving the online promotion of your real estate brand to us. Contact us for a Free Demo Consultation if you are not sure how and where to get started with digital marketing.

We will explain how we can help you market your reputation and business in the virtual world just like you market buildings in the real one.

Real estate online marketing has gone through massive changes over the past few years. Since we specialize in promoting real estate businesses online in local markets, we employ the latest strategies that actually work. Our approach is to utilize the latest tools and strategies to help you outrank your competitors and get more leads.
Our Philosophy:
CDV Media is a byproduct of the ‘old age’ marketing agency offerings. Most agencies are slow, unorganised & use logic rather than field tested concepts.

Most agencies will spend 30 days on-boarding you, then charge you a fee! On-Boarding takes 90-minutes with us & there’s no fee so we can get our ads up and running as quick as possible. We’re quick, we’re nibble & we don’t like to waste time.

We are always testing new Facebook strategies in order to take this platform to the edge of it’s capabilities. Maximising profits, scaling aggressively, staying congruent to brand & image.

It doesn’t stop there, we understand that there is no point in pouring water into a bucket with an empty hole. That’s why we always start with the sales process. Whether it’s an Ecommerce business or a training company, we take a look at what your sales & indoctrination process looks like and we start there. Plug the leaky holes, then drive highly qualified leads.

We know a lot of business owners have been stung by agencies before, we empathise. 

That said, we also know you’ve never worked with an agency that has the same track record as us. An agency where the Founder leads by example with his very own business.

So, we implore you to book in a discovery call with us & see why we’re taking the entire agency space by storm.
How We Can Help
This is our flagship service. Over these 90 days we come in & totally transform your advertising efforts. Within 14 days you’ll have your ads running. In 90% of cases all we need is photos from your end and our in-house copywriting expert starts to construct your campaigns. He works in conjunction with our in-house Facebook ad specialist to make sure that the right message is landing to the right audience set. Iman works on the strategy and making sure that we load the canon properly in order to have a successful campaign.

To date, we have never made less than a 2X ROI over a 90-day slope for our Ecom & Training business clients, something we’re very proud of. If we decide to work with you, it’s only because we genuinely believe it’s going to be a home run. This 90-day program is a fixed 3 month agreement & then from there it’s rolling month by month.
This is either a done-with-you service or a done-for-you service. Most clients opt for the former. This comprises of a 2-day training where Iman personally flies out to your offices to work with you & your team to build out either the perfect webinar funnel or sales funnel. Most clients decide on the done-with-you because it’s both quicker and better bang for buck.

With Iman at your offices, not only is he able to create a high converting funnel by having closer proximity to your business & story, but your also able to learn directly what a 7-Figure a year funnel & advertising engine looks like from someone who has successfully done it for both himself and multiple clients. Our other service for our our 2-day training is how to build a mass social media following by nailing your organic, then turbocharging your results with paid advertising.
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